City Carrier Assistant


Part-Time Flexible

Here are some resources to welcome our new NALC Brothers and Sisters to the USPS. As you will see our branch, Flushing Letter Carriers NALC 

Br. 294 with Branch President Tony Paolillo and it's Officers as well as our Shop Stewards, is one of the most active and informative in the Nation.

Visit often cause there are new updates all the time. As a Union Member it's important to attend monthly meetings and to read all publications. 

Our branch motto is:

"Knowledge is Power"

CCA Seminar October 2023

One thing our branch believes in is, Knowledge is Power. During the course of the year President Tony Paollilo and other constitutes from NALC Br. 294 speak for the union to educate all new CCAs. It is always important to attend because it teaches you about our contract, your rights and any questions you may have.

Relative Standings

Until you make Regular you will be appearing on the Relative Standing List that shows were you are at in seniority and how close you are to be converted. The NALC is always fighting hard both on the National and Local to get our Brothers and Sisters converted as soon as possible. The Relative Standing is always changing as those at the top become Regulars so visit often.

City Carrier Assistant

Part Time Flexible